Orthodox Diakonia (Service) at its best! ...in Albania.VTF
Archbishop Anastasios’ Speech at the Ceremony of Inauguration of Rapuni 3 & 4 Hydropower Station
August 14, 2016
"I will bless the Lord at all times, his praise shall be always in my mouth." (Ps.33) From the bottom of our heart, let us praise and thank the Almighty God of love, peace and creativity for His manifold gifts to us, the known and the unknown ones.
Twenty-five years have passed from the moment God made me worthy to come to this country, which has suffered so much from injustice and fear. I arrived here in July 1991, as Patriarchal Exarch, after the initiative taken by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, which is responsible for Churches that are in difficulties. And on a day like today, on August 2, 1992, I took over the responsibility of the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Albania, with the solo intention of rebuilding and restoring the Church in its fullest.
In that period of uncertainty, anxiety and poverty the main message we gave was: ‘We dare to hope!’ Not because we were naïve or we did not count the infinite number of contradictions rising in front of us, but because we believed and still believe that, above all governments which affect our world, there is an Upper Reality, there is Him who has the absolute power over the universe, there is the God of love, the God, revealed to us by His incarnate Word, Jesus Christ. And we dare to hope for "God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God and God abides in him." (Jn.4: 16) This assurance has led and still continues to guide our steps and our Church throughout the years.
As it is known, besides rebuilding the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, creating the necessary structures, educating and ordaining local clergy, growing an Orthodox dynamic youth, we also committed several acts of love in various domains, such as health, education, agricultural development, culture, ecology etc.
For example, the work that we are inaugurating today is an act of hope and love. It is the result of our vision to have local financial resources on hand, in order to be able to continue the good social work which until now has been made possible through the contributions and donations made by our friends abroad.
And at this point I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to our dear collaborators and to all those who contributed to the completion of this work: The Planning and Administration Group, Mr. J. Paleokrasas, Mr. N. Galeta, Mr. A. Gula, Fr. Jovan Koroveshi and Fr. Harallamb Gjoka; to the designers, Mr. Hasalami and Mr. Sofio, to the supervisors Mr. Asimopulo and Mr. Gjeni; to the entrepreneurs, Actor society and to all others involved in this work, the number of whom outreaches one hundred. Also I would like to extend my thanks to the following societies: Sideral, Antea Cement, Kӧssler, Poseidon, Abb, Systematica, Sintaksa, Koncar, Albaelettrica, Anion, Doko Shpk, NBG Bank.
The work that we are inaugurating today has three basic characteristics: a) it fully responds to the ecological parameters, b) it is based on the use of renewable energy resources, c) it has a character of notable development because it contributes to the increase of electricity production nationwide and d) it has also a social character, because the revenues made from it will be used to strengthen education in the country (through educational institutions, scholarships, etc.), as well as to fulfill philanthropic, cultural and church needs. In general, the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania will be given the economic opportunity to pursue further its mission, to dare, to hope and to strive with all its powers to spread faith, love, peace, and reconciliation between peoples and nations.
Here, I will conclude my speech by emphasizing a truth that I oftentimes repeat: The Orthodox Church does not live for itself. What it is, what it owns, what it does, is intended for the whole society in which the Church is located. The Orthodox Church shares the gifts of God, peace, love and justice with all people. More specifically, the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania from 1992 till the present has substantially contributed to the country's overall development, as well as to its spiritual and social growth with patience, courage, creativity and disinterested love.
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” (Ephes. 3:20)
